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Sunday, August 16, 2009

I don't understand.

I've been really annoyed with how badly people want to bash Obama. I mean, I can't vote since I'm not a citizen and politics don't interest me, but I always believed that presidents deserved respect regardless of if you always agree with them or not. I mean, I didn't agree with almost anything Bush did but I still respected him as a president.

And this healthcare situation? I really don't get that. How can people not think there is a huge problem with America's healthcare system when there are millions of people who are uninsured? Believe it or not, it is extremely expensive to have good healthcare. And not everyone has that kind of money, even the hard working middle class. On top of that, so many healthcare companies won't even accept people who have pre-existing conditions. People that are sick are the ones who can't get healthcare! How is that not an problem?

I think that Obama is trying to fix the problems and people should respect that. At least he's doing something. I just don't get how a country can be so divided. Isn't it important to be united, especially when facing tough times? It's like all people are interested in doing is proving why this political party is better than the other or why Obama is horrible.

Come on. Americans are supposed to be be proud, hard-working, caring people. But when they act so ignorant as to say "I want my money and my doctors and my way and I don't care if other people are uninsured, that must mean they aren't working hard enough." That's a real shame.

The quality of doctors will not go down if Obama's health plan passes. Doctors will still be paid over $200,000 a year. Besides, the doctors who want to set their own outrageous fees aren't the ones who became doctors to help people anyway. Those are the doctors who just wanted the doctor salary.

I guess what I'm saying is that Americans need to learn that there are other ways to do things and the government is not trying to control the people. Other countries have the kinds of health plans that Obama is suggesting and they're doing great. I was raised in another country that, in my opinion, is run very well. I was born with health insurance and I had it till the day I died. And how amazing would that be? To have the gift of health without ever having to worry about paying for it?

In my opinion, overall health and happiness is more important than selfish ignorance. I can see how people think they don't owe anyone a penny, but, what if you lose your job and suddenly you need those benefits? What if you knew what it was like to work so hard but not be able to move forward economically? I guess people who are that stubborn are that way because they've never had to struggle and they don't know what it's like.

So, that's where my compassion comes from. Knowing what it's like to have nothing and have to work your way to the top. Knowing what it's like not to get health insurance because you have a heart condition, but that's exactly why you need it. Knowing what it's like to see free clinics filled with so many people that only get a crappy medical evaluation and are sent on their ways without a real diagnosis.

America....United of the free?
more like, America, country unwilling to change its ways because it's "the best" and therefore will continue to make the same mistakes other countries have made instead of learning from them.

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