Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My 8 Month Old Baby Girl

My little girl is 8 months old!! She turned 8 months on Thanksgiving day. We had wonderful holidays and are so excited for her first Christmas. She claps her hands all the time now, especially when I say "clap your hands!" She loves to play the 'Pacifier Game' where I take her pacifier and she takes it back and I say "OOH!" She just bursts out laughing. We're working on getting her to use the sippy cup, and she hold it really well she just needs to get used to the spout. I feel like she's grown so much. She'll rock back and forth when she's on her hands and knees (hopefully that means crawling is next!) She can now say "ma-ma" which is extremely cute, now her vocabulary is "da-da, ba-ba, and ma-ma." She's not showing any signs of getting any teeth, but I didn't get my teeth until I was like 16 months old. Ryan will not let me put shoes on her, which I absolutely know will hurt her when she HAS to wear them but isn't used to them. He thinks its torture to make her wear shoes if she doesn't HAVE to. She sits up and can even get onto her belly sometimes from the sitting position. She rolls all over the place and loves to take off her socks. She is over her "waking up at night" phase and eats all her jarfood although we still have some difficulty with the bottles. She still cries when it's time to wash her hair at bathtime, but that's something that she'll get over. That's all for this month! Have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I put a baby girl for adoption pm me please
