I cannot believe that Isabella will be 1 in two months! It blows my mind. She started CRAWLING! Two days before she turned 10 months and I was just over the moon. She also pulls up onto her knees, so it shouldn't be long until she pulls up to her feet and starts cruising. I'm so excited to see her becoming more and more mobile. Lately I've been thinking about her 1 year pictures a lot and getting very nervous because this will be the first photo session that is full-length and completely about her, and I don't know how she will cooperate. She hates getting her picture taken. She still has no teeth and isn't teething yet. She's been cranky for the past couple of days but her constipation is back with a vengeance. This has been an ongoing battle since she was born, no one can seem to figure out why she's ALWAYS constipated and cannot survive without laxatives in her bottle once a day. Hopefully they will refer us to a stomach doctor soon. I've ordered her a birthday dress and a birthday tutu and I'm so excited for her to wear them and get pictures in them. I've also started planning her a little birthday party that I'm afraid will turn into a big birthday party just due to my sheer excitement. Isabella has learned a couple new things (that she only does when she chooses to and never when I want to show someone!) she can wave bye-bye, she can say "puff" (go figure her first word is food related) When I ask her "how tall is Isabella?" she lifts her arms up as high as they can go. She will also hold her blankie in front of her face until I say "where is Isabella?" and they she'll move it and have a big grin on her face. I also think she understands the word "no" because she sure throws a tantrum when I say it. We've fallen behind with the sippy cup drinking, so we need to pick that back up. That's really all I can think of for now, hopefully next month she'll be cruising/attempting to walk!
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