Isabella is one year old today and I just cannot believe it. This time last year I was getting ready for my 37 week check-up and had no idea I was in labor. Isabella has made this past year one of the most rewarding and happy of my life. I can't even remember what life was like without her. She is absolutely everything to me and I can't imagine ever not putting her first. She's so tall and looks so much older than she is. She's cruising all over the place now and can stand for almost 2 minutes without holding anything. She's FINALLY, very SLOWLY cutting her first tooth; on her bottom right side. She's still all about daddy and gets so excited when she sees him that she can barely sit still. Her hair is so long that we can put it in pigtails. I'm very excited and anxious for her party tomorrow. I did so much to make it special and I hope she's in a good mood and can enjoy it. When I sing the "Patty Cake" song she claps her hands and tries to follow along with all the motions and can even "throw it in the air." We love her so much and are so happy she was brought into our lives. So, Happy First Birthday beautiful baby girl. I love you as far as you'll ever be able to reach.
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